
WoW Gold price comparison

wow gold comparisonCheck out these charts of wow gold prices being displayed at www.Buygamecurrency.com! They are tracking the prices of warcraft gold for each server and comparing prices among suppliers. The chart shown above displays the prices of wow gold for World of Warcraft US Aegwynn Alliance server. As of today the cheapest price for 1000 wow gold is 18.90 from MMORPG-Shop.


WOTLK - Will it affect wow gold prices?

Many people temporarily strayed from world of warcraft in order to play warhammer online and see what it was made of. As predicted, many people are coming back to world of warcraft, especially with the release of wrath of the lich king (WOTLK). What effect will this have on gold prices?
Well.. Obviously demand will rise. It wouldn't be surprising if supply dropped as blizzard usually issues out some hefty bannings on gold sellers during times when the warcraft player population is high. Right now wow gold is trading for around $23/1000 gold. Let's see what it's at at the end of the month! I'm predicting around $30 per 1000 wow gold. Meh, we'll see..


Big day...

Stop collecting your wow gold, uber loots and trade skills, GO VOTE! This is probably the most important election that any of us will ever participate in. Forget the world of warcraft economy for a few days.. let's worry about our own!